
To ALL entrants, I want to let you know that I DO comment on all entries (with the exception of Splitcoast and Flickr) so if you don't see a comment from me, please check to see if there are any comments awaiting moderation or in SPAM. A lot of comments are in SPAM and bloggers don't realize it.

Friday, December 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #308 DECEMBER (Birthday and Red/Green)

 ...and just like that, it's December!!! Wow!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

For the last month of 2023 the twist is red and/or green.

(found at Pinterest)

Here's my project. I created a tag, but remember you can create any kind of crafty project as long as it follows the challenge requirements-birthday and red and/or green.

Favorite for Challenge #307!

#3 Vicki Dutcher

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so awesome and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!! 

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on DECEMBER 1st 12 AM and ends on DECEMBER 31st at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #307 NOVEMBER (Birthday and Monsters/Aliens)

Here comes November!!!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month the twist is monsters/aliens as the main theme. Create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with monsters/aliens as the main theme.

(found on Pinterest)

Here's my project. I created a card, but remember you can create any kind of crafty project as long as it follows the challenge requirements-birthday and monsters/aliens.

Favorite for Challenge #306!

#7 Loopyloo

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!! I wanted to choose ALL of them because of the wonderful orange tones in your projects!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!! 

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on NOVEMBER 1st 12 AM and ends on NOVEMBER 30th at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Sunday, October 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #306 OCTOBER (Birthday and Orange)

 Oh, yikes! It's October already!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month the twist is use orange as the main color. Create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with orange as the main color. It doesn't all have to be orange but I'd like to see most of it orange.

found on Pinterest

Here's my project. I created a card, but remember you can create any kind of crafty project as long as it follows the challenge requirements-birthday and orange.

Favorites for Challenge #305!

#3 Ellie

#9 Laurie

#19 Vicki D

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!! I wanted to choose ALL of them because of the beauty of the leaves in your projects!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!! 

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on OCTOBER 1st 12 AM and ends on OCTOBER 31st at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Friday, September 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #305 SEPTEMBER (Birthday and Leaves)

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month, the challenge is to create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with leaves on it. It doesn't have to be Autumn themed, so any kind of leaves is good!!

(found on Pinterest)

Here's mine. I created a card, but remember you can create any kind of crafty project as long as it follows the challenge requirements.

Favorites for Challenge #304!

#9 Loopyloo

#21 Heather Mills

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on SEPTEMBER 1st 12 AM and ends on SEPTEMBER 30th at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #304 AUGUST (Birthday and Animals)

 Oh wow!!! August!!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month, the challenge is to create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with an animal on it!!

(found on Pinterest)

I created a card, but remember you can create any kind of crafty project as long as it follows the challenge requirements.

Favorites for Challenge #303!

#1 Imke

#13 Carrie Sheridan

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on AUGUST 1st 12 AM and ends on AUGUST 31st at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Saturday, July 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #303 JULY (Birthday & Summertime Vibes)

Happy July to everyone!!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month, the challenge is to create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with a Summertime vibe!!

(found on Pinterest)

I created a card and went with the lemonade vibe!! But, remember, you can create any kind of craft project as long as it's a birthday theme and there is a Summertime vibe to it!!

Favorites for Challenge #302!

#6 Heather Mills

#9 Loopyloo

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on JULY 1st 12 AM and ends on JULY 31st at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Thursday, June 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #302 JUNE (Birthday & Cars and Trucks)

 Happy June to everyone!!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

The challenge is to create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with any kind of car or truck on it.

(found on Pinterest)

I created a card with a dump truck on it. But, remember, you can create any kind of craft project as long as it's a birthday theme and there are some kind of cars and/or trucks on it.

Favorites for Challenge #301!

#2 Deb H

#5 Deepti

Thanks to everyone for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on JUNE 1st 12 AM and ends on JUNE 30th at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Monday, May 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #301 MAY (Birthday & Rainbow Colors)

 Happy May, everyone!!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

The new challenge is a beautiful array of colors, the colors of a rainbow!!!

The challenge is to create a birthday project (doesn't have to be a card!!) with the rainbow colors on it.

(found on Pinterest)

I created a card.

Favorites for Challenge #300!

These entries all deserve recognition!!




Thanks for posting entries last month!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on MAY 1st 12 AM and ends on MAY 31st at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

{PIN}spirational Challenge #300 APRIL (Birthday & White and Silver/Gold)

 Happy Anniversary to {PIN}spirational! This month we'll be 11!!! Wow! 11 years and 300 challenges later!!

This year on {PIN}spirational Challenge blog, the MAIN theme EVERY month is BIRTHDAY with each month having a twist.

This month I would like to see birthday cards with white and silver and/or gold!!
(found on Pinterest)

There's a guest designer this month! It's Deb Horst.
Here's a little about Deb.
"I am married to a wonderful man and we have 2 children--a son who lives in Long Island, NY and a daughter who lives in Chicago. We live in Florida, which feels so very far away from our kids, especially since we have a grand-daughter and a grandson in Chicago!! For over 20 years I was a Stampin Up Demonstrator, but in 2021 I let go of my demonstratorship. I still love scrapbooking & creating cards and have enough Stampin Up products to last me till I will keep on creating!! Proud to be a daughter of the Most High God--who was and is and is to come!!

Deb's links
My Blog:

Here's my card.

Psst!! If you'd like to be guest designer sometime, EMAIL me (add challenge blog name in your subject OR body of email!!

Favorites for Challenge #299!

#7 Darlene Pavlick

#18 Maryann

Thanks for posting entries last month, everyone!! They were so lovely and inspiring!!

 I absolutely LOVE seeing your creations!!

So, let's see what you are inspired by this month!!

REMEMBER, you have to use the photo AND theme as inspiration.

This is NOT an "anything goes" challenge, unless specifically stated.

We HAVE to be able to see HOW the picture/ theme inspired your creation. Thanks!!

1. PLEASE do not back-link. Your projects MUST be new.

2. You can create ANY kind of craft project you like.

3. Please, if it is unclear how you were inspired by the photo, let us know.

4. You can enter each challenge up to 5 times, using different projects.

5. Challenge will be posted at the beginning of the month, on the 1st.

6. This challenge is just for FUN!! So, above all, have fun!

*Please note, entries that do not follow the requirements or entries that do not link back to the blog challenge post will not be chosen as a favorite and may be removed.

Challenge begins on APRIL 1st 12 AM and ends on APRIL 30th at 9 PM. (Newfoundland time)